
Friday, January 29, 2016

Wireless Networking(Standarts,WPA,WEP)


One of the bigger changes in the networking world since the release of the pre- vious Network+ is in wireless networking. Networks of all shapes and sizes incorporate wireless segments into their networks. Home wireless networking has also grown significantly in the last few years.
Wireless networking enables users to connect to a network using radio waves instead of wires. Network users within range of a wireless access point (AP) can move around an office freely without needing to plug into a wired infrastruc- ture. The benefits of wireless networking clearly have led to its growth.
Today, wireless local area networks (WLANs) provide a flexible and secure data communications system that augments an Ethernet LAN or, in some cases, replaces it. Wireless transmissions send and receive data using radio frequency (RF) signals, freeing us from wired solutions.
In a common wireless implementation, a wireless transceiver (transmitter/ receiver), known as an access point, connects to the wired network from a fixed location using standard cabling. The wireless access point receives and then transmits data between the wireless LAN and the wired network infrastructure.
Client systems communicate with a wireless access point using wireless LAN adapters. Such adapters are built into or can be added to laptops, PDAs, or desk- top computers. Wireless LAN adapters provide the communication point between the client system and the airwaves via an antenna.

This chapter explores the many facets of wireless networking, starting with some of the concepts and technologies that make wireless networking possible.

Wireless Access Points

As discussed in Chapter 3, “Networking Components and Devices,” a wireless access point (AP) is both a transmitter and receiver (transceiver) device used for wireless LAN (WLAN) radio signals. An AP typically is a separate network device with a built-in antenna, transmitter, and adapter. APs use the wireless infrastructure network mode to provide a connection point between WLANs and a wired Ethernet LAN. APs also typically have several ports, giving you a way to expand the network to support additional clients.
Depending on the size of the network, one or more APs might be required. Additional APs are used to allow access to more wireless clients and to expand the range of the wireless network. Each AP is limited by a transmission range— the distance a client can be from an AP and still get a usable signal. The actual distance depends on the wireless standard being used and the obstructions and environmental conditions between the client and the AP. Factors affecting wire- less transmission ranges are covered later in this chapter.As mentioned , an AP can be used in an infrastructure wireless net- work design. Used in the infrastructure mode, the AP receives transmissions from wireless devices within a specific range and transmits those signals to the network beyond. This network might be a private Ethernet network or the Internet. In infrastructure wireless networking, there might be multiple access points to cover a large area or only a single access point for a small area, such as a single home or small building.

Working with APs

When working with wireless APs, you need to understand many terms and acronyms. This section defines some of the more common wireless acronyms you will see both on the exam and in wireless networking documentation.

. Service Set Identifier (SSID)—A network name needed to connect to a wireless AP. It is like a workgroup name used with Windows networking.
802.11 wireless networks use the SSID to identify all systems belonging to the same network. Client stations must be configured with the SSID  to be authenticated to the AP. The AP might broadcast the SSID, allow- ing all wireless clients in the area to see the AP’s SSID. For security rea- sons, APs can be configured not to broadcast the SSID or to cloak it.   This means that an administrator needs to give client systems the SSID instead of allowing it to be discovered automatically.

. Basic Service Set (BSS)—Refers to a wireless network that uses a single AP and one or more wireless clients connecting to the AP. Many home offices are an example of a BSS design. The BSS is an example of the infrastructure wireless topology. Wireless topologies and other network topologies are discussed in Chapter 1.
. Extended Service Set (ESS)—Refers to two or more connected BSSs that use multiple APs. The ESS is used to create WLANs or larger wire- less networks and is a collection of APs and clients. Connecting BSS sys- tems allows clients to roam between areas and maintain the wireless con- nection without having to reconfigure between BSSs.

. Extended Service Set Identifier (ESSID)—Although the terms ESSID and SSID are used interchangeably, there is a difference between the two. SSID is the name used with BSS networks. ESSID is the network name used with an ESS wireless network design. With an ESS, not all APs necessarily use the same name.
. Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID)—The MAC address of the BSS AP. The BSSID is not to be confused with the SSID, which is the name of the wireless network.
. Basic Service Area (BSA)—When troubleshooting or designing wire- less networks, the BSA is an important consideration. The BSA refers to the AP’s coverage area. The BSA for an AP depends on many factors, including the strength of the AP antenna, interference in the area, and whether an omnidirectional or directional antenna is being used.

Wireless Antennas

A wireless antenna is an integral part of overall wireless communication. Antennas come in many different shapes and sizes, with each one designed for a specific purpose. Selecting the right antenna for a particular network implemen- tation is a critical consideration and one that could ultimately decide how suc- cessful a wireless network will be. In addition, using the right antenna can save you money on networking costs, because you need fewer antennas and access points.
Many small home network adapters and access points come with a nonupgrad- able antenna, but higher-grade wireless devices require you to choose an anten- na. Determining which antenna to select takes careful planning and requires an understanding of what range and speed you need for a network. The antenna is designed to help wireless networks do the following:
. Work around obstacles
. Minimize the effects of interference
. Increase signal strength
Focus the transmission, which can increase signal speed

The following sections explore some of the characteristics of wireless antennas.

Antenna Ratings

When a wireless signal is low and is being affected by heavy interference, it might be possible to upgrade the antenna to create a more solid wireless con- nection. To determine an antenna’s strength, we refer to its gain value. But how do we determine the gain value?
Suppose that a huge wireless tower is emanating circular waves in all directions. If we could see these waves, we would see them forming a sphere around the tower. The signals around the antenna flow equally in all directions, including up and down. An antenna that does this has a 0dBi gain value and is called an isotropic antenna. The isotropic antenna rating provides a base point for measur- ing actual antenna strength.An antenna’s gain value represents the difference between the 0dBi isotropic and the antenna’s power. For example, a wireless antenna advertised as 15dBi is 15 times stronger than the hypothetical isotropic antenna. The higher the decibel figure, the higher the gain.
When looking at wireless antennas, remember that a higher gain value means stronger send and receive signals. In terms of performance, the rule of thumb is that every 3dB of gain added doubles an antenna’s effective power output.

Antenna Coverage

When selecting an antenna for a particular wireless implementation, it is neces- sary to determine the type of coverage the antenna uses. In a typical configura- tion, a wireless antenna can be either omnidirectional or directional. Which one you choose depends on the wireless environment.
An omnidirectional antenna is designed to provide a 360-degree dispersed wave pattern. This type of antenna is used when coverage in all directions from the antenna is required. Omnidirectional antennas are advantageous when a broad- based signal is required. For example, if you provide an even signal in all direc- tions, clients can access the antenna and its associated access point from various locations. Because of the dispersed nature of omnidirectional antennas, the sig- nal is weaker overall and therefore accommodates shorter signal distances. Omnidirectional antennas are great in an environment that has a clear line of sight between the senders and receivers. The power is evenly spread to all

points, making omnidirectional antennas well suited for home and small office applications.Directional antennas are designed to focus the signal in a particular direction. This focused signal allows for greater distances and a stronger signal between two points. The greater distances enabled by directional antennas give you a viable alternative for connecting locations, such as two offices, in a point-to- point configuration.
Directional antennas are also used when you need to tunnel or thread a signal through a series of obstacles. This concentrates the signal power in a specific direction and allows you to use less power for a greater distance than an omni- directional antenna.

Wireless Radio Channels
Radio frequency (RF) channels are an important part of wireless communica- tion. A cftannel is the band of RF used for the wireless communication. Each IEEE wireless standard specifies the channels that can be used. The 802.11a standard specifies radio frequency ranges between 5.15 and 5.875GHz. In con- trast, 802.11b and 802.11g standards operate in the 2.4 to 2.497GHz range. IEEE wireless standards are discussed later in this chapter.As far as channels are concerned, 802.11a has a wider frequency band, allowing more channels and therefore more data throughput. As a result of the wider band, 802.11a supports up to eight nonoverlapping channels. 802.11b/g standards use the smaller band and support only up to three nonoverlapping channels.
It is recommended that nonoverlapping channels be used for communication. In the U.S., 802.11b/g use 11 channels for data communication, as mentioned; three of these—channels 1, 6, and 11—are nonoverlapping. Most manufactur- ers set their default channel to one of the nonoverlapping channels to avoid transmission conflicts. With wireless devices you can select which channel your WLAN operates on to avoid interference from other wireless devices that oper- ate in the 2.4GHz frequency  range.
When troubleshooting a wireless network, be aware that overlapping channels can disrupt the wireless communications. For example, in many environments, APs are inadvertently placed close together—perhaps two access points in sepa- rate offices located next door to each other or between floors. Signal disruption

results if channel overlap exists between the access points. The solution is to try to move the access point to avoid the overlap problem, or to change channels to one of the other nonoverlapping channels.
Typically you would change the channel of a wireless device only if it overlapped with another device. If a channel must be changed, it must be changed to anoth- er, nonoverlapping channel. Table 7.2 shows the channel ranges for 802.11b/g wireless standards. Table 7.3 shows the channel ranges for 802.11a. 802.11n has the option of using both channels used by 802.11a and b/g.

Factors Affecting Wireless  Signals

Because wireless signals travel through the atmosphere, they are susceptible to different types of interference than standard wired networks. Interference weak- ens wireless signals and therefore is an important consideration when working with  wireless networking.

Interference Types

Wireless interference is an important consideration when you’re planning a wireless network. Interference is unfortunately inevitable, but the trick is to minimize the levels of interference. Wireless LAN communications typically are based on radio frequency signals that require a clear and unobstructed transmis- sion path.

The following are some factors that cause interference:
. Physical objects: Trees, masonry, buildings, and other physical struc- tures are some of the most common sources of interference. The density of the materials used in a building’s construction determines the number of walls the RF signal can pass through and still maintain adequate cov- erage. Concrete and steel walls are particularly difficult for a signal to pass through. These structures will weaken or at times completely pre- vent wireless signals.
. Radio frequency interference: Wireless technologies such as 802.11b/g use an RF range of 2.4GHz, and so do many other devices, such as cord- less phones, microwaves, and so on. Devices that share the channel can cause noise and weaken the signals.
. Electrical interference: Electrical interference comes from devices such as computers, refrigerators, fans, lighting fixtures, or any other motor- ized devices. The impact that electrical interference has on the signal depends on the proximity of the electrical device to the wireless access point. Advances in wireless technologies and in electrical devices have reduced the impact that these types of devices have on wireless transmis- sions.
. Environmental factors: Weather conditions can have a huge impact on wireless signal integrity. Lightning, for example, can cause electrical interference, and fog can weaken signals as they pass through.

Many wireless implementations are found in the office or at home. Even when outside interference such as weather is not a problem, every office has plenty of wireless obstacles. Table 7.4 highlights a few examples to be aware of when implementing a wireless network indoors.

Wood/wood paneling
Inside a wall or hollow door
Inside walls
Couches or office partitions
Clear glass
Tinted glass
High-volume traffic areas that have considerable pedestrian traffic
Ceramic tile

Obstacle Severity
Sample Use
Concrete blocks
Outer wall construction
Mirror or reflective glass
Metal office partitions, doors, metal office furniture
Aquariums, rain, fountains

Securing Wireless Networks
Many different strategies and protocols are used to secure LAN and WAN transmissions. What about network transmissions that travel over the airwaves?
In the last few years, wireless networking has changed the look of modern net- works, bringing with it an unparalleled level of mobility and a host of new secu- rity concerns.
Wireless LANs (WLANs) require new protocols and standards to handle secu- rity for radio communications. As it stands today, wireless communications rep- resent a significant security concern. You should be aware of a few wireless secu- rity standards when working with wireless, including Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA),  and    802.1X.

Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)

Wired equivalent privacy (WEP) was the first attempt to keep wireless networks safe. WEP was designed to be easy to configure and implement. Originally it was hoped that WEP would provide the same level of security to wireless net- works as was available to wired. For a time it was the best and only option for securing  wireless networks.

WEP is an IEEE standard introduced in 1997, designed to secure 802.11 net- works. With WEP enabled, each data packet transmitted over the wireless con- nection would be encrypted. Originally, the data packet was combined with a secret 40-bit number key as it passed through an encryption algorithm known as RC4. The packet was scrambled and sent across the airwaves. On the receiv- ing end, the data packet passed through the RC4 backward, and the host received the data as it was intended. WEP originally used a 40-bit number key, but later it specified 128-bit encryption, making WEP that much more robust.
WEP is a protocol designed to provide security by encrypting data from the sending and receiving devices. In a short period of time, however, it was discov- ered that WEP encryption was not nearly as secure as hoped. Part of the prob- lem was that when the 802.11 standards were being written, security was not the major concern it is today. As a result, WEP security was easy to crack with freely available hacking tools. From this point, wireless communication was regarded as a potentially insecure transmission medium.
The two types of WEP security are static and dynamic. Dynamic and static WEP differ in that dynamic WEP changes security keys periodically, making it more secure. Static WEP uses the same security key on an ongoing basis. The primary security risks are associated with static WEP, which uses a shared pass- word to protect communications. Security weaknesses discovered in static WEP mean that WLANs protected by it are vulnerable to several types of threats. Freely available hacking tools make breaking into static WEP-protected wire- less networks a trivial task. Unsecured WLANs are obviously exposed to these same threats as well; the difference is that less expertise, time, and resources are required to carry out the attacks.

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)

Security weaknesses associated with WEP gave administrators a valid reason to be concerned about wireless security. The need for increased wireless security was important for wireless networking to reach its potential and to reassure those who had sensitive data that it was safe to use wireless communications. In response, Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) was created. WPA was designed to improve on the security weaknesses of WEP and to be backward-compatible with older devices that used the WEP standard. WPA addressed two main secu- rity concerns:
. Enhanced data encryption: WPA uses a temporal key integrity protocol (TKIP), which scrambles encryption keys using a hashing algorithm. Then the keys are issued an integrity check to verify that they have not been modified or tampered with during transit.

. Authentication: Using Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), WEP regulates access to a wireless network based on a computer’s hardware- specific MAC address, which is relatively simple to be sniffed and stolen. EAP is built on a more secure public-key encryption system to ensure that only authorized network users can access the network.


802.1X is an IEEE standard specifying port-based network access control. 802.1X was not specifically designed for wireless networks; rather, it provides authenticated access for both wired and wireless networks. Port-based network access control uses the physical characteristics of a switched local area network (LAN) infrastructure to authenticate devices attached to a LAN port and to pre- vent access to that port in cases where the authentication process fails. The 802.1X framework has three main components:
. Supplicant: The system or node requesting access and authentication to a network resource.
. Authenticator: A control mechanism that allows or denies traffic that wants to pass through a port.
. Authentication server: Validates the credentials of the supplicant that is trying to access the network or resource.

During a port-based network access control interaction, a LAN port adopts one of two roles: authenticator or supplicant. In the role of autftenticator, a LAN port enforces authentication before it allows user access to the services that can be accessed through that port. In the role of supplicant, a LAN port requests access to the services that can be accessed through the authenticator’s port. An authen- tication server, which can be either a separate entity or colocated with the authenticator, checks the supplicant’s credentials on behalf of the authenticator. The authentication server then responds to the authenticator, indicating whether the supplicant is authorized to access the authenticator’s services.
The authenticator’s port-based network access control defines two logical access points to the LAN through one physical LAN port. The  first  logical  access point, the uncontrolled port, allows data exchange between the authenticator and other computers on the LAN, regardless of the computer’s authorization state. The second logical access point, the controlled port, allows data exchange between an authenticated LAN user and the authenticator.

In a wireless network environment, the supplicant typically is a network host. The authenticator could be the wireless network switch or AP. The role of authentication server would be played by a Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service   (RADIUS).
RADIUS is a protocol that allows a single server to become responsible for all remote-access authentication, authorization, and auditing (or accounting) services.
RADIUS functions as a client/server system. The remote user dials in to the remote access server, which acts as a RADIUS client, or network access server (NAS), and connects to a RADIUS server. The RADIUS server performs authentication, authorization, and auditing (or accounting) functions and returns the information to the RADIUS client (which is a remote-access server running RADIUS client software). The connection is either established or rejected based on the information received.

Temporal Key Integrity  Protocol

As mentioned previously, WEP lacked security. Temporal Key  Integrity Protocol (TKIP) was designed to address the shortcomings of the WEP securi- ty protocol. TKIP is an encryption protocol defined in IEEE 802.11i. TKIP was designed not only to increase security but also to use existing hardware, making it easy to upgrade to TKIP  encryption.
TKIP is built on the original WEP security standard but enhances it by “wrap- ping” additional code at both the end and the beginning of the data packet. This code modifies the code for additional security. Because TKIP is based on WEP,  it too uses the RC4 stream encryption method. But unlike WEP, TKIP encrypts each data packet with a stronger encryption key than is available with regular WEP.
TKIP provides increased security for data communications, but it is far from the final solution. TKIP provides strong encryption for home users and nonsensi- tive data. However, it may not provide the level of security necessary to protect corporate or more sensitive data while in transmission.

Establishing Communications Between Wireless Devices

When you work with wireless networks, it is important to have a basic under- standing of the communication that occurs between wireless devices. If you’re using  an  infrastructure  wireless  network  design,  the  network  has  two key

parts—the wireless client, also known as the station (STA), and the AP. The AP acts as a bridge between the STA and the wired network.As with other forms of network communication, before transmissions between devices can occur, the wireless access point and the client must begin to talk to each other. In the wireless world, this is a two-step process involving association and autftentication.
The association process occurs when a wireless adapter is turned on. The client adapter immediately begins scanning the wireless frequencies for wireless APs or, if using ad hoc mode, other wireless devices. When the wireless client is con- figured to operate in infrastructure mode, the user can choose a wireless AP with which to connect. This process may also be automatic, with the AP selection based on the SSID, signal strength, and frame error rate. Finally, the wireless adapter switches to the assigned channel of the selected wireless AP and nego- tiates the use of a port.
If at any point the signal between the devices drops below an acceptable level, or if the signal becomes unavailable for any reason, the wireless adapter initiates another scan, looking for an AP with stronger signals. When the new AP is located, the wireless adapter selects it and associates with it. This is known as reassociation.With the association process complete, the authentication process begins. After the devices associate, keyed security measures are applied before communication can take place. On many APs, authentication can be set to either sftared key autftentication or open autftentication. The default setting typically is open authen- tication. Open authentication enables access with only the SSID and/or the cor- rect WEP key for the AP. The problem with open authentication is that if you don’t have other protection or authentication mechanisms in place, your wire- less network is totally open to intruders. When set to shared key mode, the client must meet security requirements before communication with the AP can occur.
After security requirements are met, you have established IP-level communica- tion. This means that wireless standard requirements have been met, and Ethernet networking takes over. There is basically a switch between 802.11 to
802.3     standards. The wireless standards create the physical link to the network, allowing regular networking standards and protocols to use the link. This is how the physical cable is replaced, but to the networking technologies there is no dif- ference between regular cable media and wireless media.
Several components combine to enable wireless communications between devices. Each of these must be configured on both the client and the  AP:
. Service Set Identifier (SSID): Whether your wireless network is using infrastructure mode or ad hoc mode, an SSID is required. The SSID is a configurable client identification that allows clients to communicate with a particular base station. Only client systems configured with the same SSID as the AP can communicate with it. SSIDs provide a simple pass- word arrangement between base stations and clients in a BSS network.
ESSIDs are used for the ESS wireless   network.
. Wireless channel: RF channels are an important part of wireless com- munications. A cftannel is the frequency band used for the wireless com- munication. Each standard specifies the channels that can be used. The 802.11a standard specifies radio frequency ranges between 5.15 and 5.875GHz. In contrast, the 802.11b and 802.11g standards operate in the
2.4 to 2.497GHz ranges. Fourteen channels are defined in the IEEE 802.11b/g channel set, 11 of which are available in North America.
. Security features: IEEE 802.11 provides security using two methods, authentication and encryption. Authentication verifies the client system. In infrastructure mode, authentication is established between an AP and each station. Wireless encryption services must be the same on the client and the AP for communication to occur.

Configuring the Wireless Connection

Now that we have reviewed key wireless settings, let’s take a look at an actual wireless connection configuration.
As shown in Figure 7.1, the settings for this wireless router are clearly laid out. For instance, you can see that the wireless connection uses an SSID password of Gigaset602 and wireless channel 11.

. SSID: This name is used for anyone who wants to access the Internet through this wireless access point. The SSID is a configurable client identification that allows clients to communicate with a particular base station. In application, only clients configured with the same SSID can communicate with base stations hav- ing the same SSID. SSID provides a simple password arrangement between base stations and clients.
As far as troubleshooting is concerned, if a client cannot access a base station, make sure that both are using the same SSID. Incompatible SSIDs are sometimes found when clients move computers, such as lap- tops, between different wireless networks. They obtain an SSID from one network. If the system is not rebooted, the old SSID doesn’t allow communication with a different base station.
. Channel:  To access this network, all systems must use this channel. If needed, you can change the channel using the drop-down menu. The menu lists channels 1 through 11.
. SSID Broadcast: In their default configuration, wireless access points typically broadcast the SSID name into the air at regular intervals. This feature is intended to allow clients to easily discover the network and roam between WLANs. The problem with SSID broadcasting is that it makes it a little easier to get around security. SSIDs are not encrypted or protected in any way. Anyone can snoop and get a look at the SSID and attempt to join the network.

. Authentication: When configuring authentication security for the AP, you have several options, including WEP-Open, WEP-Shared, and WPA-psk. WEP-Open is the simplest of the authentications methods because it does not perform any type of client verification. It is a very weak form of authentication, because it requires no proof of identity.

WEP-Shared requires that a WEP key be configured on both the client system and the access point. This makes authentication with WEP-Shared mandatory, so it is more secure for wireless transmission. WPA-psk
(Wi-Fi Protected Access with Pre-Shared Key) is a stronger form of encryption in which keys are automatically changed and authenticated between devices after a specified period of time, or after a specified number of packets have been transmitted.
. Wireless Mode: To access the network, the client must use the same wireless mode as the AP. Today most users configure the network for 802.11g for faster speeds or a combination of 802.11b/g because these wireless standards are compatible.
. DTIM Period (seconds): Wireless transmissions can broadcast to all systems—that is, they can send messages to all clients on the wireless network. Multiple broadcast messages are known as multicast or broad- cast traffic. Delivery Traffic Indication Message (DTIM) is a feature used to ensure that when the multicast or broadcast traffic is sent, all systems are awake to hear the message. The DTIM setting specifies how often  the DTIM is sent within the beacon frame. For example, if the DTIM setting by default is 1, this means that the DTIM is sent with every bea- con. If the DTIM is set to 3, the DTIM is sent every three beacons as a DTIM  wake-up call.
. Maximum Connection Rate: The transfer rate typically is set to Auto by default. This allows the maximum connection speed. However, it is possible to decrease the speed to increase the distance that the signal travels and boost signal strength due to poor environmental conditions.
. Network Type: This is where the network can be set to use the ad hoc or infrastructure network design.

Access Point Coverage

Like any other network medium, APs have a limited transmission distance. This limitation is an important consideration when you’re deciding where an AP should be placed on the network. When troubleshooting a wireless network, pay close attention to how far the client systems are from the AP.
When faced with a problem in which client systems cannot consistently access the AP, you could try moving the access point to better cover the area, but then you may disrupt access for users in other areas. So what can be done to trou- bleshoot AP coverage?

Depending on the network environment, the quick solution may be to throw money at the problem and purchase another access point, cabling, and other hardware to expand the transmission area. However, you can try a few things before installing another wireless access point. The following list starts with the least expensive solution and progresses to the most expensive:
. Increase transmission power: Some access points have a setting to adjust the transmission power output. By default, most of these settings are set to the maximum output; however, this is worth verifying just in case. Also note that you can decrease the transmission power if you’re trying to reduce the dispersion of radio waves beyond the immediate net- work. Increasing the power gives clients stronger data signals and greater transmission distances.
. Relocate the AP: When wireless client systems suffer from connectivity problems, the solution may be as simple as relocating the AP. You could relocate it across the room, a few feet away, or across the hall. Finding the right location will likely take a little trial and error.
. Adjust or replace antennas: If the access point distance is insufficient for some network clients, it might be necessary to replace the default antenna used with both the AP and the client with higher-end antennas. Upgrading an antenna can make a big difference in terms of transmission range. Unfortunately, not all APs have replaceable antennas.
. Signal amplification: RF amplifiers add significant distance to wireless signals. An RF amplifier increases the strength and readability of the data transmission. The amplifier improves both the received and transmitted signals, resulting in an increase in wireless network performance.
. Use a repeater: Before installing a new AP,  you might want to think  about a wireless repeater. When set to the same channel as the AP, the repeater takes the transmission and repeats it. So, the AP transmission gets to the repeater, and then the repeater duplicates the signal and pass- es it on. This is an effective strategy to increase wireless transmission dis- tances.

Wireless Signal Quality

Because wireless signals travel through the atmosphere, they are subjected to all sorts of environmental and external factors. This includes storms and the num- ber of walls, ceilings, and so on that the signal must pass through. Just how weakened the signal becomes depends on the building material used and the level of RF interference. All these elements decrease the power of the wireless signal.

If you are troubleshooting a wireless connection that has a particularly weak sig- nal, you can do a few things to help increase the signal’s power:
. Antenna: Perhaps the first and most obvious thing to do is to make sure that the antenna on the AP is positioned for best reception. It often takes a little trial and error to get the placement right. Today’s wireless access cards commonly ship with diagnostic software that displays signal strength and makes it easy to find the correct position.
. Device placement: One factor that can degrade wireless signals is RF interference. Because of this, it is important to try to keep wireless devices away from appliances that output RF noise. This includes microwaves, electrical devices, and certain cordless devices using the same frequency, such as phones.
. Network location: Although there may be limited choice, as much as possible it is important to try to reduce the number of obstructions that the signal must pass through. Every obstacle strips a little more power from the signal. The type of material a signal must pass through also can have a significant impact on signal integrity.
. Boost the signal: If all else fails, you can purchase devices, such as wire- less repeaters, that can amplify the wireless signal. The device takes the signal and amplifies it to make it stronger. This also increases the dis- tance that the client system can be placed from the AP.

To successfully manage wireless signals, you need to know which wireless stan- dard you are using. The standards used today specify range distances, RF ranges, and speeds. It may be that the wireless standard cannot do what you need it to.

Wireless Troubleshooting Checklist

Poor communication between wireless devices has many different potential causes. The following is a review checklist of wireless troubleshooting:
. Auto transfer rate: By default, wireless devices are configured to use the strongest, fastest signal. If you’re experiencing connectivity problems between wireless devices, try using the lower transfer rate in a fixed mode to achieve a more stable connection. For example, you can manu- ally choose the wireless transfer rate. Also, instead of using 11Mbps, the highest rate for 802.11b, try 5.5Mbps, 2Mbps, or 1Mbps. The higher the transfer rate, the shorter the connection distance.
. Router placement: If signal strength is low, try moving the access point to a new location. Moving it just a few feet can make a difference.
. Antenna: The default antenna shipped with wireless devices may not be powerful enough for a particular client system. Better-quality antennas can be purchased for some APs, which will boost the distance the signal can go.
. Building obstructions: Wireless RF communications are weakened if they have to travel through obstructions such as metal and concrete.
. Conflicting devices: Any device that uses the same frequency range as the wireless device can cause interference. For example, 2.4GHz phones can cause interference with devices using the 802.11g standard.
. Wireless channels: If connections are inconsistent, try changing the channel to another, nonoverlapping channel.
. Protocol issues: If an IP address is not assigned to the wireless client, an incorrect SSID or incorrect WEP settings can prevent a system from obtaining IP information.

. SSID: The SSID number used on the client system must match the one used on the AP. Typically, the default SSID assigned is sufficient, but you might need to change it if you’re switching a laptop between different WLANs.
. WEP: If WEP is enabled, the encryption type must match what is set in the AP.

Infrared Wireless Networking

Infrared has been around for a long time; perhaps our first experience with it was the TV remote. The commands entered onto the remote control travel over an infrared light wave to the receiver on the TV. Infrared technology has pro- gressed, and today infrared development in networking is managed by the Infrared Data Association (IrDA).
Infrared wireless networking uses infrared beams to send data transmissions between devices. Infrared wireless networking offers higher transmission rates, reaching 10Mbps to 16Mbps.
As expected, infrared light beams cannot penetrate objects; therefore, the signal is disrupted when something blocks the light. Infrared can be either a directed (line-of-sight) or diffuse technology. A directed infrared system provides a lim- ited range of approximately 3 feet and typically is used for personal area net- works. Diffused infrared can travel farther and is more difficult to block with a signal object. Diffused infrared wireless LAN systems do not require line of sight, but usable distance is limited to room distances.
Infrared provides a secure, low-cost, convenient cable-replacement technology. It is well suited for many specific applications and environments. Some key infrared points are as follows:
. It provides adequate speeds—up to 16Mbps.
. Infrared devices use less power and therefore don’t drain batteries as much.
. Infrared is a secure medium. Infrared signals typically are a direct-line implementation in a short range and therefore do not travel far outside the immediate connection. This eliminates the problem of eavesdropping or signal tampering.

. Infrared is a proven technology. Infrared devices have been available for some time and as such are a proven, nonproprietary technology with an established user and support base.
. It has no radio frequency interference issues or signal conflicts.
. It replaces cables for many devices, such as keyboards, mice, and other peripherals.
. It uses a dispersed mode or a direct line-of-sight transmission.
. Transmissions travel over short distances.


Bluetooth is a wireless standard used for many purposes, including connecting peripheral devices to a system. Bluetooth uses a low-cost, short-range radio link that replaces many of the cords used to connect devices.
Bluetooth is an easily configured technology. When Bluetooth-enabled devices are within 10 or so meters of each other, they can establish a connection. Bluetooth establishes the link using an RF-based link and therefore does not require a direct line-of-sight connection. The Bluetooth Standard defines a short RF link that is capable of voice or data transmission up to a maximum capacity of 720Kbps per channel.
Bluetooth operates at 2.4 to 2.48GHz and uses an FHSS technology.  The sig-  nal can hop between 79 frequencies at 1MHz intervals to give a high degree of interference immunity.

As an established technology, Bluetooth has many advantages, but the speed of 720Kbps is limiting. The newest version of Bluetooth, Bluetooth 2.0, increases overall speed to a data rate of 3Mbps. This speed may still be significantly slow- er than 802.11b or 802.11g, but for an easily configured cable replacement tech- nology, it is an attractive option. Table 7.7 highlights the advantages of the Bluetooth  standard.

Table 7.7  Bluetooth Characteristics
Specification                                                     Bluetooth

Topology                                                      Ad hoc
Spread spectrum                                               FHSS

Medium                                                            2.4GHz RF
Speed                                                              720Kbps

Range                                                           10 meters in optimal conditions


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